Bingyi, Can the Eyes Sing? The Bodies of the Sacred Mountains, 2021, Ink on paper.
Bingyi, Fairy of Mountain and Rivers, Fairy of Hairy Rocks, 2019-2020, Ink on paper.
Jennifer Wen Ma, In Furious Bloom III, 2016, Inkjet print on Canson edition etching paper
Liu Dan, Taihu Rock of the Liuyuan Garden, 2019, Ink on xuan paper
Tao Aimin, In a Twinkle No. 6, 2011, Ink rubbing on paper, set of three hanging scrolls with nushu (women’s script)
Tao Aimin, In a Twinkle No. 6 (detail), 2011, Ink rubbing on paper, set of three hanging scrolls with nushu (women’s script)
Tao Aimin, In a Twinkle No. 6 (detail), 2011, Ink rubbing on paper, set of three hanging scrolls with nushu (women’s script)
Tao Aimin, In a Twinkle No. 6 (detail), 2011, Ink rubbing on paper, set of three hanging scrolls with nushu (women’s script)
Wang Tiande, Playing with the Snow on the Boat, 2019, Ink, rubbing, and burn marks on Xuan paper.
Wang Tiande, Playing with the Snow on the Boat, 2019, Ink, rubbing, and burn marks on Xuan paper.
Wang Tiande, Playing with the Snow on the Boat, 2019, Ink, rubbing, and burn marks on Xuan paper.
Xu Bing, Landscript, 2002-2003, Ink on paper.
Xu Bing, Landscript, 2002-2003, Ink on paper.
Tao Aimin, In a Twinkle No. 6, 2011, Ink rubbing on paper, set of three hanging scrolls with nushu (women’s script);
Xu Bing, Introduction to Square Word Calligraphy (New English Calligraphy), 1994-1996, Calligraphy, ink on paper;
Xu Bing, SWC-Sketch for Song of Wandering Aengus Poem by William Butler Yeats, 1999, Calligraphy, ink on paper;
XuBing, SWC, Song of Wandering Aengus by William Butler Yeats, 1999, Calligraphy, ink on paper. -
Xu Bing, SWC, Song of Wandering Aengus by William Butler Yeats, 1999, Calligraphy, ink on paper.
Xu Bing, SWC-Sketch for Song of Wandering Aengus Poem by William Butler Yeats, 1999, Calligraphy, ink on paper.
Xu Bing, Introduction to Square Word Calligraphy (New English Calligraphy), 1994-1996, Calligraphy, ink on paper.
Tao Aimin, In a Twinkle No. 6, 2011, Ink rubbing on paper, set of three hanging scrolls with nushu (women’s script);
Xu Bing, Introduction to Square Word Calligraphy (New English Calligraphy), 1994-1996, Calligraphy, ink on paper;
Xu Bing, SWC-Sketch for Song of Wandering Aengus Poem by William Butler Yeats, 1999, Calligraphy, ink on paper. -
Zheng Chongbin, New Six Canons (Xin Liufa), 2012, Set of six panels, ink and acrylic on Xuan paper.
Bingyi, Can the Eyes Sing? The Bodies of the Sacred Mountains, 2021, Ink on paper.
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2023年2月10日 - 2023年7月2日
策展人:苏珊·贝宁森(Susan L. Beningson )博士
“”召唤记忆:超越中国传统的艺术”展示了 30 多位当代华人艺术家的作品,他们以充满活力和创新的方式重新诠释了传统。作品横跨绘画、雕塑和摄影多种媒介,由不同世代的知名和新兴艺术家创作,他们通过实验借鉴东西方艺术创作实践和材料, 突破了传统材料的界限并开发了独特的制造工艺。
作品侧重于实验水墨画、书法、解构语言、风景(真实和想象)、城市景观和天体图案。 风景借鉴了历史悠久的图像,但本次展览中的艺术家颠覆了它们的视觉语言和意义。 回应了我们当今对城市化、环境退化造成的景观碎片化、中国现代化进程的快速发展等紧迫问题的关注。 最终,这些艺术家唤起过去的记忆,超越它的幽灵,打造新的艺术基础。
2023 年 5 月 19 日,星期五
上午 9 点 30 分至下午 6 点
客座策展人 苏珊·贝宁森(Susan L. Beningson )博士将从带导游的画廊之旅开始,与包括冰逸、崔斐、王凯莉、郑重宾等在内的著名艺术家进行一系列对话,并邀请主要策展人Hiromi Kinoshita博士(费城艺术博物馆)和 Zoe Kwok 博士(普林斯顿大学艺术博物馆)加入。 在这一天的讨论中,我们在重新思考、重新构想华裔和美籍华裔艺术家的历史、传统和艺术实践的同时,探索展览中所展示的文化、历史和艺术主题的广度和深度。
Summoning Memories: Art Beyond Chinese Traditions
'Summoning Memories: Art Beyond Chinese Traditions' Themes