Bingyi 冰逸
滃, 2013-2014
Ink on paper 纸本水墨
With frame:
19 1/4 x 19 1/4 in
49 × 49 cm
19 1/4 x 19 1/4 in
49 × 49 cm
Copyright The Artist
滃 wěng
1. 云气腾涌的样子;青烟弥漫的样子,形容云起:潼滃。滃郁。滃滃(云气涌起)。
2. 大水沸涌的样子,形容水盛:“中有清泉,滃然而仰出”。
In the cube
There is a circle
Trapped between your eyes
Eyes so far away
One speaks to the other
Through the circle
The cube nods and smiles
滃 wěng
1. 云气腾涌的样子;青烟弥漫的样子,形容云起:潼滃。滃郁。滃滃(云气涌起)。
2. 大水沸涌的样子,形容水盛:“中有清泉,滃然而仰出”。
In the cube
There is a circle
Trapped between your eyes
Eyes so far away
One speaks to the other
Through the circle
The cube nods and smiles
1. 云气腾涌的样子;青烟弥漫的样子,形容云起:潼滃。滃郁。滃滃(云气涌起)。
2. 大水沸涌的样子,形容水盛:“中有清泉,滃然而仰出”。
In the cube
There is a circle
Trapped between your eyes
Eyes so far away
One speaks to the other
Through the circle
The cube nods and smiles
Bingyi: Metamorphosis I, Museo de Arte Contemporaneo de Alicante, Alicante, Spain "冰逸:万物I",阿利坎特省当代艺术博物馆,阿利坎特省,西班牙
Bingyi: Metamorphosis II, Art Gallery, Miguel Hernández University of Elche, Elche, Spain"冰逸:万物II",埃尔切市Miguel Hernández大学美术馆,埃尔切,西班牙
Bingyi: Wanwu, Galeríe Charpa, Valencia, Spain"囙:万物",Galeríe Charpa,瓦伦西亚,西班牙