Bingyi 冰逸
Golden Millet Dream 黄粱一梦, 2019-2023Ink on silk 绢本水墨31 x 258 cm
12 1/4 x 101 5/8 in
35 x 262 cm (with frames)Copyright The Artist開成七年,有生名英,於邯鄲逆旅,遇道者呂生,生語英:有求必應,應英自嘆困窮,道士取囊中枕授之。曰:“子枕吾之枕。”時主人方蒸黍,二小童伺之,生俛首就之,夢入枕中,遂至其家,數月,娶清河崔氏女爲妻,女容甚麗,生資愈厚,生大悅。於是旋舉進士,累官舍人,遷節度使,大破戎虜,爲相十餘年,子五人皆仕宦,孫十餘人,年逾八十而卒。及醒,蒸黍尚未熟。怪曰:豈其夢耶!呂道士笑曰:人生之適,亦如是耳。 經此黃粱一夢,英入山修道去也。 書為無形之夢。起於兩生曾密談,英曰:“吾此茍生耳,何適之謂?” 呂道士曰:“此不謂適而何謂適?” 生曰:“士之生世,當建功樹名,列鼎而食,使族益昌,而家易肥,然後可以言適乎,吾今已適壯,猶勤畎畝,非困而何言訖,抱枕而眠,夢中見天王大聖,百鬼夜行,皆凝神不語,夢境中聞雷聲亦深眠其中。” 冰逸書於蓮宮 In the 7th year of Kaicheng, there was a young scholar named Ying, who encountered a Daoist priest named Lü Sheng while travelling in...開成七年,有生名英,於邯鄲逆旅,遇道者呂生,生語英:有求必應,應英自嘆困窮,道士取囊中枕授之。曰:“子枕吾之枕。”時主人方蒸黍,二小童伺之,生俛首就之,夢入枕中,遂至其家,數月,娶清河崔氏女爲妻,女容甚麗,生資愈厚,生大悅。於是旋舉進士,累官舍人,遷節度使,大破戎虜,爲相十餘年,子五人皆仕宦,孫十餘人,年逾八十而卒。及醒,蒸黍尚未熟。怪曰:豈其夢耶!呂道士笑曰:人生之適,亦如是耳。
In the 7th year of Kaicheng, there was a young scholar named Ying, who encountered a Daoist priest named Lü Sheng while travelling in Handan. Sheng told Ying that he would answer any requests he had. Having a poor life, Ying wished for a good fortune. Sheng then gave him a pillow and asked him to sleep on it. At that time, the owner of the inn was cooking a pot of millet. Ying quickly fell asleep on the pillow and dreamed that he married a beautiful and wealthy woman, succeeded in the imperial examination, became a high-ranking official, had children, and enjoyed a life of wealth and comfort. Upon waking up, he found that the pot of millet was still cooking on the fire. Ying then realized that it was only a dream. And priest Lü smiled and said that life is also just like a dream.
After experiencing the golden millet dream, Ying went to the mountains and became a Daoist practitioner.
Writing is a formless dream. It started with the secret talk between Ying and the Daoist priest. Ying said, “I’ve had a disorganized life, muddling along all day, what comfort is there?”
Priest Lü said, “if this isn’t comfortable, then what is a comfortable life?”
Ying said, “the life of a scholar, should be about contribution and achievement, becoming a government official and making the entire family prosperous. Then he could be considered having a comfortable life. I am now in the prime of my life, but still have to work hard in the fields, won’t stop unless extremely tired. So I just sleep on my pillow, no matter what I see in my dream, immortals, kings, or ghosts on a night march, just stay calm, concentrated and silent. Even the thunder in my dream, cannot disturb my sound sleep.
Written by Bingyi at the Lotus Palace9/ 9