Tao Aimin 陶艾民
Nv Shu: Brother and Sister Series - I Was Flying 女书 · 姐弟系列之我飞起来了, 2019
Ink on paper, audio recording 纸本水墨,音频
138 x 34 cm x 2
小时候我弟弟特别喜欢飞翔的感觉。我骗他吃小鸟吃的东西,就可以像鸟一样飞起来。于是我挖出一些虫子,跟生鸡蛋一起混合。他把这堆恶心的东西以最快的速度几口就吞了下去。我帮他爬上了屋顶,然后他就跳了下去,脸着地栽在了草坪上。他满脸都是草痕,泥土和眼泪,然后跟我说:“姐姐,我真的飞了!我飞起来了!”而我却为我自己这不怀好意的恶作剧感到惭愧! When I was a kid and my little brother was three or four years old, he was obsessed with flying. So I lied to him and told him that...
When I was a kid and my little brother was three or four years old, he was obsessed with flying. So I lied to him and told him that he could fly like a bird if he ate what birds eat. I helped him dig up a bunch of worms and mixed them with raw eggs in the blender. He was so eager to fly that he guzzled the disgusting mixture down as fast as he could. Then I helped him climb up to the roof of the shed. I started to feel bad even before he launched himself into the air. When he fell face first in the grass, I knew it must have really hurt. He looked at me with grass streaks, dirt and tears on his face and said, I was flying, big sister! I was flying! And I was too ashamed at my mean little trick.
When I was a kid and my little brother was three or four years old, he was obsessed with flying. So I lied to him and told him that he could fly like a bird if he ate what birds eat. I helped him dig up a bunch of worms and mixed them with raw eggs in the blender. He was so eager to fly that he guzzled the disgusting mixture down as fast as he could. Then I helped him climb up to the roof of the shed. I started to feel bad even before he launched himself into the air. When he fell face first in the grass, I knew it must have really hurt. He looked at me with grass streaks, dirt and tears on his face and said, I was flying, big sister! I was flying! And I was too ashamed at my mean little trick.