Li Jin 李津
Floating Rainbow #1 五彩缤纷的聚合 #1 , 2017
Ink and color on paper 纸本水墨设色
35 x 35 cm
13 3/4 x 13 3/4 in
13 3/4 x 13 3/4 in
Copyright The Artist
In his Floating Rainbow series, Li Jin documents his experience joining the Los Angeles Pride Parade and Festival during the Summer of 2017. In No. 1 of the series, a...
In his Floating Rainbow series, Li Jin documents his experience joining the Los Angeles Pride Parade and Festival during the Summer of 2017. In No. 1 of the series, a bearded, somewhat paunchy gay couple with matching red tank-tops stride past. In the background a revealingly clad leather cowboy looks away while two women rendered in polychrome pastels watch, like us, the scene unfold before them. Li Jin clearly delights in the festive joy, colorful freedom of expression, and unabashed display of flesh—all recurrent themes in his traditional figure paintings of contemporary China—only this time found half way across the world at LA Pride.