Bingyi 冰逸
Wave Painting: Peach Blossom Spring 波相绘画:桃花源, 2019Ink on Paper 纸本水墨136.5 x 67.5 cm
53 3/4 x 26 5/8 in
179 x 71.5 cm (with frame)Copyright The Artist元 230,000.00This is a pair to the first one (BY325(1)). It came from Tan Yuanming's writing 桃花源记。 The two paintings refer to two major writers‘ all time passion for the spritual...This is a pair to the first one (BY325(1)). It came from Tan Yuanming's writing 桃花源记。 The two paintings refer to two major writers‘ all time passion for the spritual utopia: one lies in love and friendship, the other in nature and time.
by Bingyi via weichat on September 17, 2020