Bingyi 冰逸
Dream of a Pine Tree by Ding Gu 丁固梦松, 2019-2023Ink on silk 绢本水墨31.5 x 248 cm
12 3/8 x 97 5/8 in
35 x 252 cm (with frames)Copyright The Artist三國吳人丁固,為尚書時,夢其腹上生松生雲間,固謂人曰:松為無形十八公也。後十八歲,吾其為公也。後果如其夢。丁固身如雲水中生山石,石生三松,松而化梅,梅生萬物之香。 而張岱書西湖之雪,崇禎五年十二月,岱往西湖,大雪三日,湖中鳥聲俱絕,岱拏一小舟,獨往湖心亭看雪,與天與雲與山與水,上下一白,湖上影子惟長堤一痕,湖心亭一點與余舟一芥,舟中人兩三粒,而萬物於雪中成迷。 丁固於夢中生松,張岱至亭上遇知己。茫茫世界,萬物無影蹤。寒松聳拔無所依,蒼岑扶疏自結陰。丁固夢松懐碧峰,張岱湖中啟高情,常將正節棲孤木,不遣廣漠宿離禽。雕羣木獨傲立護,霜淩月雲梦逾深。 丁固臥水而眠,張岱臨雪而醉,固岱二人,因為萬物之詩也,山水空而無形,人生如夢中之夢,一十八年倏忽而過,如真如幻,若鏡中流光爾。 冰逸書於蓮朝元年蓮宮之中 Ding Gu was from the State of Wu during the Three Kingdoms period. When he was young, he dreamed about a pine tree growing on...三國吳人丁固,為尚書時,夢其腹上生松生雲間,固謂人曰:松為無形十八公也。後十八歲,吾其為公也。後果如其夢。丁固身如雲水中生山石,石生三松,松而化梅,梅生萬物之香。
Ding Gu was from the State of Wu during the Three Kingdoms period. When he was young, he dreamed about a pine tree growing on his belly, reaching the clouds. He then told people that the character for “pine [松]” is composed of the graphs for “eighteen [十八]” and “minister [公]”. Eighteen years from now, perhaps I will become a minister. In the end, it turned out just as he had dreamed. Ding Gu’s body is like the mountain rocks born from the clouds, and from the rock emerges three pines, which then turns into plum blossoms that brings fragrance to all beings.
Zhang Dai wrote about the snow of the West Lake. In the twelfth month of the fifth year during the Chongzhen Reign, Dai went to the West Lake. It snowed for three days, and the lake was void of sounds from humans and birds. He sculled a small boat and went alone to the Lake Center Pavilion to see the snow scenery. The sky, the clouds, the mountains and the water were all merged together in one whole stretch of white. The only shadow on the lake was left by the long embankment, a dot of the Lake Center Pavilion, a leaf of his boat, and two or three people inside the boat. All the other things disappeared into the snow like a mystery.
Ding Gu dreamed about pine trees growing from his belly and Zhang Dai encountered his bosom friends in the pavilion. Everything disappeared in the vastness of the world. The tall and upright pine tree had nothing to rely on in the cold winter, and the green mountains were scattered, forming its own shadows. Ding Gu dreamed about the pine tree, yearning for the green peak, while Zhang Dai was inspired with noble feelings at the center of the lake. Integrity and righteousness are always found on lonely trees, birds that break away from the flock cannot survive in the vast desert. The group of eagles stand proudly on a single tree branch, the frost touches the moon in the clouds as the dream gets deeper.
Ding Gu slept on the water, while Zhang Dai got drunk surrounded by the snow. They became the poem of all beings. Landscape is empty and formless, and life is like a dream within a dream. Eighteen years passed in the blink of an eye, as if real or illusory, like the light reflected by the mirror.
Written by Bingyi in the first year of the Lotus dynasty, inside the Lotus Palace